Hi there,
I am following this tutorial http://wiki.ros.org/Industrial/Tutorials/Create_a_MoveIt_Pkg_for_an_Industrial_Robot
in order to move my real ur5. So far I get the simulated robot running using the demo.launch file from https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot.
After specifying a desired end-effector position in the cartesian frame ( in the rviz gui) I often receive path planning which seems to be not very cost efficient. Furthermore, my robot will be mounted on a flat surface which means that the robot will collide in case any point is below z=0 of the base(world) frame.
How can I constrain the path planning in order to only get paths wich are limited to my reachable task space?
Originally posted by psfa_fz on ROS Answers with karma: 36 on 2014-10-08
Post score: 0