Hey All,
I am using a Realsense F200 with the realsense_camera package for 3D mapping. The camera doesn't provide registered depth images, which everything seems to need. I looked at the depth_image_proc package but it requires rectified depth and rgb images as well as the calibration data. I should be able to calibrate the rgb camera with the camera_calibration package, but how do I calibrate the depth camera? I looked at how to do it for the Kinect but I don't think that will work for the Realsense as I just get a black image when I cover the laser projector. If anyone knows how to calibrate the depth camera or get registered depth images out of this camera I could use the help.
Originally posted by Icehawk101 on ROS Answers with karma: 955 on 2016-03-30
Post score: 1