Hey, I wanted to implement SLAM on Occipital's Structure Sensor which happens to be a depth only camera and provides no RGB images.
I was wondering if there is anyway to use the Fovis package to obtain odometry from Structure despite the fact that it subscribes to /rgb/image_rect
Is there any remapping etc that can be utilized for this or is that RGB frame crucial for odom calculation?
this is the error I get
Images received: 0 (topic '/camera/rgb/image_color') Depth images received: 33082 (topic '/camera/depth/image') Image camera info received: 0 (topic '/camera/rgb/camera_info') Depth camera info received: 33082 (topic '/camera/depth/camera_info') Synchronized tuples: 0
Or if there is any other option to perform 2D slam on structure sensor?
Originally posted by VijethRai on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2014-12-23
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by VijethRai on 2014-12-27:
Any input will be very much appreciated. Thanks