I have an Xtion depth camera attached to nao robot, and I try to get registered depth points from it but the topic almost publishes nothing (except one or two messages after long time), also I receive the following warnings:
[ WARN] [1399651428.960430364]: [image_transport] Topics '/xtion/depth_registered/image_raw' and '/xtion/depth_registered/camera_info' do not appear to be synchronized. In the last 10s:
Image messages received: 5
CameraInfo messages received: 22
Synchronized pairs: 0
[ WARN] [1399651438.444702040]: [image_transport] Topics '/xtion/rgb/image_color' and '/xtion/rgb/camera_info' do not appear to be synchronized. In the last 10s:
Image messages received: 4
CameraInfo messages received: 22
Synchronized pairs: 0
Note: I run openni2 on the robot just to load the driver and to publish tf, and I run other openni2 on remote PC to do the processing.
Note: I have tried to subscribe to raw rgb image (rostopic hz /topic_name ) and it works correctly alone, and to subscribe to depth raw image and also it works correctly alone, but when I subscribe to both of them in parallel only one of the works.
Can anyone help me, I am new to ros and openni2 and these stuff.
Originally posted by abd_el_mon3em on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2014-05-09
Post score: 0