Hi all, I am new on ROS and Linux. I am trying to display point cloud using rviz with VLP-16. Before starting to see real time data, I wanted to see how pcap file can be converted into human-readable, and visible data. So I used pcap file (downloaded from www.velodynelidar.com) to convert to bag file as follows:
$ rosrun velodyne_driver velodyne_node _mol:=VLP16 _pcap:=/home/soowon/Documents/County_Fair.pcap _read_once:=true
On new terminal, to record pcap data into bag file:
$ rosrun rosbag record -O Countyfair.bag /velodyne_packets
ON new terminal, I used rosbag to play bag file that I just made:
$ rosbag play Countyfair.bag
Another new terminal, to open rviz:
$ rosrun rviz rviz
Problem starts from here.
- I cannot see anything on the screen, even though I added PointCloud, PointCloud2. In rviz, it says "No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist."
- Not only that I want to see point cloud in rviz, my ultimate goal is acquiring xyz coordinates for each frame. Can you guys tell me where can I find this data?
Any advice? I would appreciate :)
Originally posted by Soowon on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2016-02-20
Post score: 1