Hi All,
I’m trying to update the Moveit! GUI to include the ability to change the number of planning attempts, as shown in the slides posted here:
Website - http://rosindustrial.org/ftp-status/
Direct slides link - http://static.squarespace.com/static/51df34b1e4b08840dcfd2841/t/53c3435ce4b00a24507b341d/1405305692771/IDEXX_Planning_Presentation.pdf
I removed my existing MoveIt! package. Then, I start following the steps from the slides. Install moveit! from source, erase and update the 3 folders, build it, run the new setup assistant on an urdf, and generate the moveit package. Then when I run the demo.launch (from the new moveit package) to test it, in the rviz window, I’m not seeing the update to the GUI.
Has anyone else tried this and can tell me what I’m doing wrong? Im new to ROS and ROS-Industrial so i could have missed a simple step.
Seperate but related question, In the kinematics.yaml file (part of the moveit config package) there is a kinematics_solver_attempts. Is this the same thing the GUI is changing? If so i could change that manually to gain the same effect.
UPDATE - Addition Details
I removed the ros-hydro-moveit-full package with "sudo apt-get remove ros-hydro-moveit-full"
I checked out the moveit package (following the install moveit from source steps)
I built the moveit package using catkin_make
Originally posted by Benjamin.Nilson on ROS Answers with karma: 48 on 2014-08-25
Post score: 0