Unfortunately official sicktoolbox
does not support LMS5xx with Ethernet connectivity. From what you are saying it even looks like it does not support LMS5xx at all.
Nevertheless there is an alternative unofficial version of laser_drivers with sicktoolbox2
, that does support it. We had some issues with the version from the trunk though. So here is the fork of it that we are using at the moment. The changes are minor, but you may want to see the commit history.
Originally posted by Boris with karma: 3060 on 2013-10-02
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by buljaga on 2013-10-02:
Thank you for your answer. :)
Could I ask you more about fork in Korean(personally using the email)?
If you don't mind that...... please email me.(my email is buljaga(at)naver.com)
Comment by Boris on 2013-10-02:
Sorry, I don't speak Korean :) But if you have further questions you can ask them here, on ROS Answers. It is preferable as in this case you will get answers from other people, who can be more experienced than myself. Also other people may find the answers to these question useful.
Comment by Rodolfo on 2014-05-07:
Boris. Could you basically explain how to install the sicktoolbox2? I have been trying with no result. I'm new on ROS.
Comment by Sam Wane on 2016-02-12:
Hi, I'm trying to install the sicktoolbox2 but can't find it in the 'apt-get search'. I've tried 'sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-sicktoolbox-wrapper2' but it cannot find it. Please could you show me the command to install this? Could I use 'git clone https://bitbucket.org/koreatech-ugv/l... ?
Comment by Boris on 2016-02-13:
@sam-wane, The package is available as source-only. It is a rosbuild
one ('dry package'), so you have to create rosbuild workspace overlay in order to compile it. @rodolfo Discovered you 2-year-old comment just now, sorry!
Comment by Sam Wane on 2016-02-13:
Great, I'm getting closer.
I used 'rosmake laser_drivers' although it built 25 with 1 failure.
Still can't run with:
rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper2 xxxx
what is the xxxx?
Comment by Boris on 2016-02-13:
You can find all available executables in CMakeLists.txt
Comment by Sam Wane on 2016-02-15:
I tried this:
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/rhuitl/laser_drivers.git
cd ..
rosmake laser_drivers
but there are two failures. When I try:
rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper2 sicklms_5xx
I get [rosrun] Couldn't find executable named sicklms_5xx below /home/ros/catkin_ws/src/laser_driv
Comment by Boris on 2016-02-15:
Please create a separate question with detailed information on steps you made and corresponding errors.
Comment by Sam Wane on 2016-05-04:
Ive run:
rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper2 sicklms_5xx
but I get the error:
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named sicklms_5xx below /home/ros/catkin_ws/src/laser_drivers/sicktoolbox_wrapper2
Comment by Sam Wane on 2016-05-04:
I've created a separate question as I think it could be a compile error: