Hi! I got a Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW which I would like to use with my Turtlebot. The sensor has a power and an ethernet connector. I connected the power to the turtlebot, it seems to be working. I connected the ethernet cable to the wifi router. I can ping the sensors IP from the turtlebot, it seems to be up and running.
I then installed the ros_groovy_laser_drivers package. Then I wanted to try:
roslaunch hokuyo_node hokuyo_test.launch
I get the following warning and error:
[ WARN] [1363863375.680619490]: The use_rep_117 parameter has not been specified and has been automatically set to true. This parameter will be removed in Hydromedusa. Please see: http://ros.org/wiki/rep_117/migration
[ERROR] [1363863375.690137879]: Exception thrown while opening Hokuyo. Failed to open port: /dev/ttyACM0. No such file or directory (errno = 2). The requested port does not exist. Is the hokuyo connected? Was the port name misspelled? (in hokuyo::laser::open) You may find further details at http://www.ros.org/wiki/hokuyo_node/Troubleshooting
I wasn't very surprised, since I haven't set the ip of the sensor neither in ROS nor in Ubuntu, so probably that's why I don't have the missing port. I don't know how to set this up. The pages regarding the ros hokuyo node don't mention any IP or ethernet related topics. However, I found a page with the iri_hokuyo driver (http://mediabox.grasp.upenn.edu/roswiki/doc/api/iri_hokuyo_laser/html/), which referst to ethernet and USB ports. Unfortunately, I can't find the iri_hokuyo driver in the ubuntu/ros repositories.
Could someone tell me how should I set up the Hokuyo sensor?
Originally posted by ZoltanS on ROS Answers with karma: 248 on 2013-03-21
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by anonymous8676 on 2014-07-31:
Are you aware of any differences (pros/conns) of using an ethernet interface over the usb interface?
I am currently evaluating Hokuyo sensors for my application and would like to know if there is any advantage in either interface.
Apologies for commenting on an old topic.