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I recently wrote a ROS node for an older hokuyo laser. I wrote my own node because my laser is older and uses a protocol that is not supported by the hokuyo_node ROS package. My node is successfully publishing laserscan messages and I would like to view the laser scans in RViz. I'm having a problem viewing the data in RViz. The error I get is: Transform [sender=/hokuyo_pub] For frame [robot_pose_ekf/odom]: Frame [robot_pose_ekf/odom] does not exist

I think the problem involves transforms. I had to specify a frameid in the header of my laserscan message. I wasn't sure what to put here but tried: robot_pose_ekf/odom. I am using turtlebot.

Thanks for any advice!

Originally posted by Brad on ROS Answers with karma: 17 on 2012-07-31

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Ideally, I would suggest that you write a transform publisher for your laser scanner using the tutorials located in the tf package. You must publish the laser scan data in a frame that exists on your Turtlebot. If you don't know what these frames are, you can use the following to see all of the transforms published on your robot:

rosrun tf view_frames

Originally posted by DimitriProsser with karma: 11163 on 2012-07-31

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2


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