In openni, I think sensor_msgs encode data.
Because, rostopic echo /camera/depth/image and /camera/depth/disparity pulish not 16bit or 11bit, just 0~255.
I think the data is not actual depth data( distance )
I want to know depth value. But I don't know how to get the depth value.
I know the relation ( Z=fT/d ).
I think the fomula substituted raw data is right.
How can I get the raw kinect sensor data?
Or How can I get the actual depth value?
Originally posted by ha on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2012-08-28
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ha on 2012-08-29:
I think sensor_msgs/image message format is 8bit and using cv_bridge is 16bit or 32bit. Dose from 8bit to 32bit make loss accuracy?