Are you referring to the disparity image or the depth image published by the driver?
The depth image contains the distance from the camera to the scene along the z-axis (optical axis) of the camera. The ROS openni_camera driver publishes the depth image as a:
- 16-bit unsigned integer, in millimeters, on
- float, in meters, on
(see depth_image_proc)
The ROS driver does not publish the nonlinear, 11-bit raw output of the Kinect.
Originally posted by Ivan Dryanovski with karma: 4954 on 2012-12-10
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by DiogoCorrea on 2012-12-16:
I was a little confused and I actually wanted to know if the disparity data published by ROS (/camera/depth/disparity) was the same raw data of libfreenect driver. Apparently are not the same.
Thanks for your answer.