I would like to try a visual odometry algorithm with the KITTI dataset. However the KITTI dataset, in my case, has only sequences of pictures with the left and right camera. I don't have any cloud or depth information in the dataset. (Actually yes there is also velodyne data but i'm not interested in laser for now)
Therefore, I presume that from the left and right camera, I have to obtain the depth map (correct me if I'm mistaken) ? How i can do that in ROS ? I saw that there is a node called stereo_image_proc node who can deal with stereo but I only can obtain a disparity MAP and I didn't find any topic that publishes this depth map.
EDIT: I can have the disparity image or/and the pointCloud2
Can someone help me ?
Thank you
Originally posted by lilouch on ROS Answers with karma: 93 on 2015-04-05
Post score: 2