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Where are the contents of ROS Fuerte deb packages unpacked to?

I am trying to get ROS Fuerte running on an embedded x86 Linux distribution. For Diamondback and Electric I was able to simply copy /opt/ros/{diamondback,electric}/ over to my target, set some Python environment variables, and everything "Just Worked". With Fuerte I have seen mailing list messages suggesting that the deb install files are moving some of the ROS files to locations other than /opt/ros/fuerte/ but I can't seem to find exactly which files those are or where they are expected to be installed.

What I am really looking for is something similar to what I can find at packages.ubuntu.com, and when I click on list of files it shows me where all of the package contents are installed on the system. That would allow me to manually (or via a script) find all the files I need and copy them over to the target.

I tried looking through the Fuerte SIG notes but couldn't find the answer there. If there is a page that has this discussion a link would be appreciated so I can use Google better in the future. Thanks.


I had to copy /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/rospkg and /usr/bin/rosversion into a directory on my target OS $PATH. Also, I had to have parts of /usr/lib/python2.6/, especially /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload, copied onto my target OS with $PYTHONPATH set to add those directories. Note that it is likely that not all the files in those directories are required, but I haven't gone through and parsed out the necessary subset, so this won't be as efficient space-wise as it could be.

After that I could run roscore (roslaunch) although I get a few warnings that seem safe to ignore since everything is connecting just fine over the network. Thanks for the answers.

Originally posted by Thomas D on ROS Answers with karma: 4347 on 2012-04-29

Post score: 1


2 Answers 2


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I believe that the files are still in the /opt/ros prefix.

This REP 122 details the new filesystem hierarchy.

I believe that the intent of this new layout is to allow users to install directly into the /usr prefix if desired. Then all of the ROS files will map into /usr/bin, /usr/etc, /usr/lib, and so forth.

While it is possible to use a different prefix, as far as I know, files are still placed in the /opt/ros/fuerte prefix by default.

Originally posted by mjcarroll with karma: 6414 on 2012-04-29

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3


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mjcarroll's answer is correct with respect to where the files are.

to answer your question re: packages.ubuntu.com-style listings, you just have to run:

dpkg -L ros-fuerte-stack-name


dpkg -L ros-fuerte-ros

This will enumerate all of the installed files for a given deb.

Originally posted by kwc with karma: 12244 on 2012-04-29

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3

Original comments

Comment by Thomas D on 2012-04-29:
Thanks @kwc, I didn't know about the -L flag for dpkg.


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