I have a setup with a simple VGA Camera and a Hokuyo 2D Laser and I want to OVERLAY the readings from the Hokuyo on the window of the camera in rviz. I can see the hokuyo readings on the main window and I can also see the camera image in a separate window. I've already set the frame_id for camera to /camera and for the hokuyo to /laser. Also I publish the tf for /world frame to each of the aforementioned frames. The camera is next to the laser so the translation transform for the camera is 0,0,0 and for the laser is like 0, 0.05 ,0 which means 5 cm at the right. I want to see a line on the camera window much as like in the rviz tutorials (second video around 2:40).
Originally posted by kabamaru on ROS Answers with karma: 35 on 2012-04-24
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by joq on 2012-04-24:
Do you directly or indirectly publish transforms from /world -> /camera and from /world -> /laser?
Comment by kabamaru on 2012-04-24:
i've tried
[ /world -> /camera , /camera -> /laser] & [ /world -> /camera , /world -> /laser]
is this what you mean? in the second case they are both direct children of the /world frame.
Comment by joq on 2012-04-25:
Did you try moving the camera window on top of the laser display area?