I have been trying to use fast plane detection(http://www.ros.org/wiki/fast_plane_detection) with Kinect disparity map data. This package expects cameraInfo to be available to detect the dominant planes. But I have not been able to get the camerainfo from the kinect. Though rostopic list shows the presence of topics /camera/rgb/camerainfo and /camera/depth/camerainfo , these topics remain empty.
rostopic echo /camera/depth/camerainfo and also /camera/rgb/camerainfo donot give any information.
Is there any reason these topics are Null and is there a way to get these topics to the package ?
PS: I have been using Openni kinect package to interface kinect and i am able to visualize kinect 2d/3d data in rviz.
Originally posted by enschulfer schmidt on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2011-11-28
Post score: 0