After successfully pairing the ps3-controller with bluetooth ($ rosrun ps3joy sixpair) and running ps3joy.py ($ rosrun ps3joy ps3joy.py) it shows "Connection activated" as expected.
But when I start teleop_joy.launch ($ roslaunch p2os_launch teleop_joy.launch) it shows:
core service [/rosout] found
process[p2os_teleop-1]: started with pid [23530]
process[pioneer_joy_controller-2]: started with pid [23532]
[ERROR] [1317809297.619312697]: Client [/p2os_teleop] wants topic /joy to have datatype/md5sum
[joy/Joy/e3ef016fcdf22397038b36036c66f7c8], but our version has [sensor_msgs/Joy/5a9ea5f83505693b71e785041e67a8bb].
Dropping connection.
I have used the ps3-controller with bluetooth before on a different pc and never had such a problem. I've tried using an USB-bluetooth dongle instead of the built-in bluetooth but it didn't change anything.
Has anyone an idea what might be wrong? Any help is appreciated.
Greets, Andrew
Originally posted by anbaldinger on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2011-10-04
Post score: 0