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I have done the URDF tutorial and have a model of my robot. I also have a neato lidar sensor publishing data using http://www.ros.org/wiki/xv_11_laser_driver. Odometry is being published by the Serializer package.

My question is in the Navigation tutorial it says to do a "roscreate-pkg my_robot_name_2dnav move_base my_tf_configuration_dep my_odom_configuration_dep my_sensor_configuration_dep"

What do I put in for "my_tf_configuration_dep" "my_odom_configuration_dep" and "my_sensor_configuration_dep"

Thanks in advance

Originally posted by ringo42 on ROS Answers with karma: 55 on 2011-07-31

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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Hi Ringo,

I believe these refer to packages you already use for your sensors (e.g. your xv11 laser), odometry data (your serializer) and your URDF description which may or may not be in its own packge (e.g. my_robot_description). So one possibility in your case would be:

$ roscreate-pkg my_robot_name_2dnav move_base xv_11_laser_driver serializer my_robot_description

If you already have a working package for your robot (e.g my_robot_package) that itself depends on the xv_11_laser_driver and serializer packages as well as your URDF description, you could use:

$ roscreate-pkg my_robot_name_2dnav move_base my_robot_package


Originally posted by Pi Robot with karma: 4046 on 2011-07-31

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3

Original comments

Comment by ringo42 on 2011-08-04:
Thanks. Do you happen to have a launch file that works for the navigation tutorial I can use for a template. I'm not sure exactly what to put for things like odom_node_type, transform_configuration_type, etc.


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