I've tried to get the .oni files as input instead of the camera by changing the initialization to the way the NiViewer example works with the xml file (status = context_.InitFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_PATH, &errors);) . It works when selecting input sources from the camera that way, but when giving an .oni file with rgb and depth streams in I get this error:
[31m[ERROR] [1298297598.491463836]: [OpenNIDriver::spin] Error in switching on depth stream registration: This operation is invalid![0m
[31m[ERROR] [1298297599.031286629]: [OpenNIDriver::spin] Error in switching on depth stream registration: This operation is invalid![0m
[31m[ERROR] [1298297599.031449831]: [OpenNIDriver::spin] Error in switching on depth stream registration: This operation is invalid![0m
Same settings work fine with NiViewer but I seem to be missing something to get it to work in the openni_camera node but I don't see it. Any idea's what I'm missing?
Originally posted by Wilco on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2011-02-21
Post score: 0