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Hi all! I'm new to Gazebo and I'm running version 1.0.1 (after compiling from tarball) on a 64-bit Debian Wheezy standard installation.

I'm able to launch successfully Gazebo and do some simulations; however, when I try to open some example models bundled with the program, Gazebo crashes. Here follows an example.

When I try to open "cube_20k.model" I get the following output:

Msg Connected to gazebo master @ http://localhost:11345
Error [RenderEngine.cc:356] Unable to load Ogre Plugin[/usr/lib/OGRE/Plugin_CgProgramManager.so]...Skipping.
Error [Param.hh:227] Unable to set value [1,04719758] for key[angle]
Error [Param.hh:227] Unable to set value [0,100000001] for key[near]
Error [Param.hh:227] Unable to set value [0,899999976] for key[constant]
Error [Param.hh:227] Unable to set value [0,00999999978] for key[linear]
Error [parser.cc:548] XML Element[surface], child of element[visual] not defined in SDF. Ignoring.[visual]
Error [parser.cc:539] Error reading element
Error [parser.cc:539] Error reading element
Error [parser.cc:539] Error reading element
Error [parser.cc:322] Unable to parse sdf element[gazebo]
Warning [parser.cc:241] parser for sdf version 1.0 failed, trying to parse as old deprecated format
Warning [parser.cc:247] parsing using deprecated world file failed trying old model format.
Error [parser.cc:253] parse as old deprecated model file failed.
Dbg Unable to find element with name[model] return empty
Segmentation Fault

I get a similar behavior with many other model files, included the one used as example in the Wiki: http://gazebosim.org/wiki/Gazebo_models .

Moreover, strangely some much more complex models like "pr2.model" or "kitchen.model" load and simulate successfully.

What is my error?

Originally posted by marcomurk on Gazebo Answers with karma: 11 on 2012-10-07

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I highly recommend upgrading to Gazebo 1.2.5. It is infinitely more stable. The install process is also simplified, and will make upgrading much easier in the future.


Originally posted by nkoenig with karma: 7676 on 2012-10-30

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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