

Gazebo GUI didn't work when i used the "ros2 launch gazebo_ros gazebo.launch.py" command, It did appear with the "gazebo" command. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have tried to reinstall gazebo and gazebo_ros pkg for couples of time, but It didnt work.

After running the "ros2 launch gazebo_ros gazebo.launch.py --debug" command, It said: "Failed to load the launch file without a context: ThisLaunchFileDir used outside of a launch file (in a script)" Debug image

Solution: "source /usr/share/gazebo/setup.bash" is required, I dont know why it is required because all tutorial that i watched this source command was not added. After adding this command, My problem is solved.

  • $\begingroup$ Try running the launch system in debug mode for verbose output. This is done as follows: ros2 launch gazebo_ros gazebo.launch.py --debug. If this mode gives more information, please update the question accordingly. $\endgroup$
    – Robotawi
    Commented Jan 25 at 15:50
  • $\begingroup$ After running the "ros2 launch gazebo_ros gazebo.launch.py" command, It said: "Failed to load the launch file without a context: ThisLaunchFileDir used outside of a launch file (in a script)". (image above) $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 25 at 16:39
  • $\begingroup$ Please copy and paste console output not screenshot. It's much more readable as well as searchable. $\endgroup$
    – Tully
    Commented Jan 28 at 9:37

1 Answer 1


I faced the same problem before. It seems like the environment variable need to be added. This works for me.

source /usr/share/gazebo/setup.bash

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