- it isn't clear that the S3 is supported, but I do see S3 mentioned in this issue .
Originally posted by lucasw with karma: 8729 on 2017-11-06
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by summer on 2017-11-07:
thank you very much, your answer helped me. this is my required.
Comment by summer on 2017-11-08:
Hi again.I also have some question to ask you. I can see the point cloud by DSR or veloview software. But, I don't know information about the visualized point data, such as distance, time and others. Do you know that there is a toolkit in ROS for crawling UDP packets and parsing?
Comment by summer on 2017-11-08:
What I do is scan the plant with a laser scanner to get information about plant growth characteristics. Should I convert the acquired point cloud data (.pcp file) directly into a ROS node package and read the data in ROS?
Comment by lucasw on 2017-11-09:
You might be able to rebroadcast the acquired udp data back onto the network with wireshark (which is what captured it to begin with?) and use the ros velodyne driver linked above to turn it onto ros PointCloud2 messages which then other nodes could subscribe to to analyze.
Comment by lucasw on 2017-11-09:
The other nodes could then convert the PointCloud2 messages into PCL (Point Cloud Library) datatypes which then can be analyzed with PCL library tools, or you could write your own.