From the HDL-32E User's Manual & Programming Guide, pg 9:
Packet Format and Status Byte for GPS Time Stamping
The 6 extra bytes at the end of the HDL-32E data packet are used to report GPS timing. For every packet, the last 6 bytes are formatted as follows:
4 bytes: 32 bit unsigned integer time stamp. This value represents microseconds from the top of the hour to the first laser firing in the packet.
2 bytes: blank
Unless I am failing to follow the code, never touches the time stamp bytes in the data packet.
Question: Are we to assume that the time stamp reported by pcl_ros/bag_to_pcd
is the time the UDP packet was received in software as opposed to the hardware-provided time stamp?
Originally posted by brianthelion on ROS Answers with karma: 33 on 2015-01-12
Post score: 2