I am trying to run ROS across multiple computers, with one processing data from the velodyne lidar and another computer receiving the published messages. I followed the instructions here from the wiki tutorial (Getting Started with the HDL-32E) in order to connect to the velodyne, but now I cannot see any of the published messages from my other machine. I am able to ping back and forth between the computers and set the ROS_IP in both .bashrc files. Everything is running on groovy.
Originally posted by sfergs on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2013-09-14
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by tfoote on 2013-09-16:
Can you rostopic pub and subscribe between the machines for a simple test?
Comment by sfergs on 2013-09-17:
I am able to rostopic pub and subscribe to all topics on both machines except the velodyne points.
Comment by joq on 2013-09-17:
What does rostopic list
show on each machine?
Comment by tfoote on 2013-09-17:
Do you have enough bandwidth and computation available to send the topic across the wire? The Velodyne produces a lot of data.