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I am struggling with a persistent error with one of my packages: in the past we have done several releases (bloom-release) without problems, but since a few weeks ago Jenkins is persistently complaining about:

Invoking 'git clone --branch debian/ros-kinetic-mrpt-ekf-slam-3d_0.1.1-0_jessie --depth 1 --no-single-branch https://github.com/mrpt-ros-pkg-release/mrpt_slam-release.git /tmp/sourcedeb/source'
Cloning into '/tmp/sourcedeb/source'...
fatal: Remote branch debian/ros-kinetic-mrpt-ekf-slam-3d_0.1.1-0_jessie not found in upstream origin

Indeed, that branch does not exist: I can only see these tags:


Here is the complete log: http://build.ros.org/job/Ksrc_dJ__mrpt_ekf_slam_3d__debian_jessie__source/26/console

My actual questions are:

  1. Is there something that I might have done wrong while releasing the package with bloom-release?

  2. If not, how can I fix it, apart of doing a "fake" new release as a workaround?

Originally posted by Jose Luis Blanco on ROS Answers with karma: 288 on 2016-09-12

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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When you ran bloom it probably mentioned a problem when creating the release for Debian Jessie. Most likely due to some missing dependencies. You can either look in the ~/.bloom/logs (or similar) folder for the console output or just try to run it again.

If a dependency is not defined for Jessie you can contribute the missing rule to the rosdistro repo and after it had been merged a new release should pass for Jessie.

Originally posted by Dirk Thomas with karma: 16276 on 2016-09-12

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by matlabbe on 2016-09-27:
Same error on my project here. When I do bloom-release, no errors, "jessie" is just not processed, only debian "willy", "xenial" and rpm "23", "24". bloom version = 0.5.20

Comment by matlabbe on 2016-09-28:
nevermind, I had an old version of bloom-release from http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/python-bloom (0.5.20), upgrading to version in http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu (0.5.22) solved the problem.


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