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Dear friends I try to make map using gmapping_demo with turtlebot simulation stage.

When I run gmapping_demo.launch it give me "No device connected....."

I know that turtlebot_gazebo can make map and this is the link for the tutorial

in my case 1st I run

roslaunch turtlebot_stage turtlebot_in_stage.launch

then I run

roslaunch turtlebot_navigation gmapping_demo.launch

Originally posted by momar82 on ROS Answers with karma: 28 on 2016-08-10

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Your problem is that roslaunch turtlebot_navigation gmapping_demo.launch attempts to launch the node for a physical 3D sensor, such as a Kinect or Asus Xtion, as well as the gmapping node. If you look at the file gmapping_demo.launch you can see it includes 3dsensor.launch.

The tutorial instructs you to use roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo gmapping_demo.launch because Gazebo/Stage is simulating your sensor, so it only needs to start the gmapping node, which you can see here.

So try running roslaunch turtlebot_stage turtlebot_in_stage.launch as you were, then roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo gmapping_demo.launch, and it should work fine.

Originally posted by Steven_Daniluk with karma: 606 on 2016-08-10

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by momar82 on 2016-08-11:
THANKS for your fast answer.

what I figure-out that turtlebot_stage represent a navigation with know map and we can test our path plaining using turtlebot_stage.


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