For a visual odometry project I'm using Rviz to display what my filter is doing. I.e. I'm displaying the current camera pose, the path the camera has taken and the features it is tracking as a point cloud. I would also like to show the current camera image in the scene, attached to the cameras pose as it moves through around.
So far I have not been able to accomplish this. I can show the image in an Image display in Rviz, which is just a separate view/window, similar to what I would get with cv::imshow(). I also played around with creating a point cloud of all my pixels and assigning grayscale intensity values to it. This technically works, but it does not look very nice and is very slow, as is to be expected.
Is there a way to do what I'm trying to accomplish?
Any help is much appreciated
Originally posted by NickDP on ROS Answers with karma: 148 on 2015-10-01
Post score: 3