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I use ubuntu 12.04 and fuerte. I install lsd_slam and its readme says that

Using `live_slam`
If you want to directly use a camera.
rosrun lsd_slam_core live_slam /image:=<yourstreamtopic> /camera_info:=<yourcamera_infotopic>
When using ROS camera_info, only the image dimensions and the `K` matrix from the camera info messages will be used - hence the video has to be rectified.

I want to use live_slam on ROS. To install camera driver, I find this blog.

Firstly, I run 1.b section not 1.a. Then I tried rosdep install gscam, I get below error message.

ERROR: Rosdep cannot find all required resources to answer your query Missing resource gscam ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/fuerte/share/ros ROS path [1]=/opt/ros/fuerte/share ROS path [2]=/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks ROS path [3]=/home/user/fuerte_workspace/sandbox/

Conetnt of bashrc file is below :

source /opt/ros/fuerte/setup.bash export ROS_WORKSPACE=~/fuerte_workspace/ export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH+=:~/fuerte_workspace/sandbox/ export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH+=:~/fuerte_workspace/gscam/

How can I handle this error? Or, how can I get frame from webcam using ubuntu, ROS, fuerte?

Originally posted by jossy on ROS Answers with karma: 83 on 2015-06-29

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Did you install gscam?

rosdep does NOT install gscam, but dependencies for gscam.

Originally posted by dornhege with karma: 31395 on 2015-06-29

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by jossy on 2015-06-29:
I install gscam using svn. It locates under fuerte_workspace.

Comment by dornhege on 2015-06-29:
Something with your paths seems to be wrong. You list the gscam export, but the error provided by rosdep does not contain that path. Maybe you forgot to source something.


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