I have an Ubuntu 12.10 with ROS groovy configuration. I use a kinect on a USB2.0 port.
I would like to use the object_recognition package but I don't succeed in make the capture tool work. I succeed capturing my textured_plane but impossible to have a 3D position displayed when I track the features.
Here is my command line for capturing my textured plane :
rosrun object_recognition_capture orb_template -o my_textured_plane --res sxga --fps 15
But when I try to see the position tracking, no position is outputed in the video
rosrun object_recognition_capture orb_track --track_directory my_textured_plane --res sxga --fps 15
But, if I show the matches, the features detection seems to work quite well. image description http://smartrobotics.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ORK_not_working-e1378824603329.png
So I try some different parameters (more feature points, less threshold ...) but the position never appears.
Does anyone have a clue on why the 3D position is not display while the features are correctly detected?
PS : I also try rosrun object_recognition_capture capture -i my_textured_plane --seg_z_min 0.01 -o silk.bag --preview --res sxga --fps 15
but no object is detected.
Originally posted by Jbot on ROS Answers with karma: 429 on 2013-09-10
Post score: 5
Original comments
Comment by keavenM on 2013-09-19:
Same problem here. (Ubuntu 13.04 ROS Hydro)
Comment by averybigant on 2013-09-19:
Same problem (Ubuntu12.04 ROS groovy)
Comment by averybigant on 2013-09-24:
hey guys, you can find further information on https://github.com/wg-perception/object_recognition_core/issues/17
Comment by Jbot on 2013-09-24:
Thanks, I will mail him to see if I can help