We are working with a pretty large catkin project that compiled just fine for months. Without code changes, we started seeing compile errors after some groovy updates and building from scratch, looking like:
[ 2%] Building CXX object flor_common/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom/CMakeFiles/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom.dir/src/interactive_marker_server_custom.cpp.o
In file included from /home/kohlbrecher/flor_repo/catkin_ws/src/flor_common/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom/src/interactive_marker_server_custom.cpp:68:0:
/home/kohlbrecher/flor_repo/catkin_ws/src/flor_common/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom/include/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom/interactive_marker_server_custom.h:80:45: fatal error: flor_ocs_msgs/OCSTemplateUpdate.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [flor_common/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom/CMakeFiles/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom.dir/src/interactive_marker_server_custom.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [flor_common/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom/CMakeFiles/flor_interactive_marker_server_custom.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
make: INTERNAL: Exiting with 3 jobserver tokens available; should be 2!
Invoking "make" failed
Noticing that the actual error messages changed when executing "catkin_make" multiple times, I figured there might be some issue with parallel jobs and different timings leading to different errors. Sure enough, when running "catkin_make -j1", the project compiles. Any ideas if there's something on our side making this error appear, or if this is a catkin bug?
Originally posted by Stefan Kohlbrecher on ROS Answers with karma: 24361 on 2013-07-31
Post score: 3