I have a ton of ideas for building a robot using an arduino and raspberry pi. I have an assembled the wheels and chassis, and now I am left with an ugly raspberry pi and arduino + wires. It works, but I want to make a body / case to cover all the electronics.
I DO NOT have a 3D printer, I want one, but I currently don't have the $$ or space for it. Do you have any recommendations on materials that I can use instead of using a 3D printer service.
I am thinking about something along the lines of an erector set / legos, but I want something more durable, yet something I can cut holes in. I've seen the plastics that you boil and then shape with your hands, like Play-dough, but I'd have to make molds / take a lot of time to hand-craft parts out of it.
Any ideas for an alternative to a 3D printer?