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Is it possible to increase computing power in a Lego Mindstorms v4 robot?

Yes, you can use a Raspberry Pi with Lego Mindstorms. I am making a Rubix Cube solving robot using a Dexter Industries BrickPi case and a Raspberry Pi Model B. That specific robot needs an older EV3 ...
simbo1905's user avatar
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How do I create a broken line follower? [RobotC] [Legomindstorm] [Ev3]

Currently your robot is only controlled by external factors. It always responds to external stimuli, it does not have any other operating mode. In order to cope with missing line segments, you could ...
50k4's user avatar
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Monobrick Communication Library-reading nxt sensors

For some reason MonoBrick is not able to force the NXT to configure the sensor, or it should be done in some other way, which I do not know of. However, your program works, if you go to the "View" ...
Palo's user avatar
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Monobrick Communication Library-reading nxt sensors

You need to read the value continually in order to get the updated value, see the tutorial on there website. Here is what the code to do that might look like (untested as I do not have a NXT): ...
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Lego Mindsotrms RCX 1.0 CPU

From wikipedia follows, that it is a 8-bit Renesas/Hitachi H8/300 16 MHz CPU with 32KB RAM. Source:
HansPeterLoft's user avatar

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