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Matlab Inverse Kinematics 6 DOF

Ideal solution can be defined in many ways. The simplest way to choose one is to compare which of the 8 solutions is closest to your current pose in joint space. This is usually a good idea if you ...
50k4's user avatar
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Obstacle Avoidance while Navigating

I think that vector field histogram method should be a good solution here. It's a method of local motion planning (avoiding local obstacles while navigating to a global target). It involves mapping ...
mactro's user avatar
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Does a stable library exist for docking robots using images?

There's a lot of solutions out there already for this. I'll start by suggesting AR tags not QR tags. They're better optimized for localizing. The Alvar library is commonly used for tracking AR tags. ...
Tully's user avatar
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Solving a grid maze with blocked paths

You didn't specify any performance requirement. That admits the simple algorithm: ...
r-bryan's user avatar
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Path planning for visual servoing

I would recommend using an RRT or FMT sampling based path planner. The basic idea is to sample your state space and build a tree which connects your starting state to the goal state. Each time you ...
combo's user avatar
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Is Fuzzy logic applicable for robotics research

Fuzzy logic is definitely used in many of the control systems including but not limited to robotics. See this paper for an example:
Muthanna Alwahash's user avatar
3 votes

Is Fuzzy logic applicable for robotics research

I would like to mention that Fuzzy logic is still an active control system used in many industry applications. In garbage fired power plants, concrete aggregate firing, hydraulics, and the control ...
DrMrstheMonarch's user avatar
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Articulated Body Algorithm with gear ratio

In Featherstone's book "Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms", there is a section of Chapter 9 (specifically, 9.6) dedicated to explaining how to incorporate gears into a given dynamic model. At a ...
Brandon J. DeHart's user avatar
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How can I implement tremaux algo in arduino line follower to navigate and create map?

I would highly recommend using the encoders over estimating travel distance by rpm + time. Estimating motor velocity is notoriously tricky. Especially at slow speeds. A direct measurement is ...
Ben's user avatar
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What is exact model of haptic interface system in the paper "Time-Domain Passivity Control of Haptic Interfaces"?

It's usually best to contact the author directly if you have a specific question about a specific paper. The simulations are there only to illustrate the principal of the passivity observer and ...
hauptmech's user avatar
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Self learning robotics algoritm: feedback needed

What you are describing seems a lot like reinforcement learning, and yes, it works well for this sort of scenario. It is a popular enough approach that you should be able to find starter code in ...
combo's user avatar
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Prediction of Ready to Use Robotic Control Cards Codes

What you are trying to do is to identify a system. Since you kind of know what to expect, your system is not black box, it is grey box or white box. There is a lot of theory on how to identify these ...
50k4's user avatar
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PID for variable Setpoint

As a general answer: Yes, PID controller use variable setpoints, in fact, this is what makes them usefull, that you can always change the setpoint of your system (regardless of this varis slowly or ...
50k4's user avatar
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Why does the Denavit-Hartenberg representation fail to capture the length of the last link in my model?

Note that in your drawing theta_p and theta_d angle are negative according to the right hand rule. That's the first mistake you made, to elaborate, theta_1 is equal to -theta_p. Also in the last row ...
csg's user avatar
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What algorithm should I implement to program a room cleaning robot?

I'm not sure if you still need it, but for those who happened to google for this thread, I have made one simple version of the algorithm. Basically, it tries to build the map of the area while it ...
Anh Dũng Bùi's user avatar
2 votes

Multicopter: What are Euler angles used for?

Your own equations make a lot of assumptions about the problem you are trying to solve. They are sufficient to solve your problem, but will not work for certain conditions (z = 0 for instance). ...
hauptmech's user avatar
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How often does a robot perform A* (A star) path planning in an unknown map?

There is a dynamic version of A* (or of Dijkstra's algorithm) that was developed to address exactly this problem of trying to do planning on a map as you discover it. It is called D* or occasionally ...
surtur's user avatar
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Relation between GraphSLAM and Iterative closest Point algorithm

Iterative closest point is a method to fuse two point clouds together. If Robot A drove around town and gathered some data, then Robot B drove around town and gathered some data, ICP would (...
Chuck's user avatar
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How to calculate shortest path between multiple pick and drop destinations

Side note: If there are multiple objects at A and C, so the robots continue circulating to move the objects cyclically, then ABCD and CDAB are the same paths. In either case (single objects at A ...
SteveO's user avatar
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Multiple robots performing a set of tasks (Optimization)

Try looking to Linear Integer Programming LIP where you are doing optimization by maximizing task allocation or Utility function at the same time minimizing distance and energy constraints. You will ...
GENIVI-LEARNER's user avatar
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Is Fuzzy logic applicable for robotics research

Short answer: Fuzzy logic (FL) isn't applicable for robotics research, The long answer is, that in the 1980s as part of the fifth computer generation fuzzy logic was researched in Japan with the ...
Manuel Rodriguez's user avatar
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Is Fuzzy logic applicable for robotics research

I have not seen any industry-grade application of fuzzy logic in space, flight, automotive control systems. Fuzzy logic came during mid-60s and it gradually faded away due to several reasons: It did ...
Octavius's user avatar
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Free-floating sphere dynamics using Roy Featherstone's spatial_v2 toolbox

You still haven't posted the (full) code that gives the results you've presented; when I run your snippet I don't the results you posted. Instead, I get: ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Block algebra and normal algebra inconsistent

Because of the Superposition principle, you can write $y$ as: $$ y = H_1 w + H_2 d, $$ where $H_1$ is the system transfer function when $d=0$, whereas $H_2$ is the corresponding transfer function ...
Ugo Pattacini's user avatar
2 votes

Path-following algorithm and suggestions for mecanum robot

Let's suppose you have a required (continuous) trajectory in the form of an equation that you want to follow, for example take a straight line (whose equation is y=2x+5), you can break it down into ...
Muhammad Idrees's user avatar
2 votes

Odometry using wheel encoder with no differential drive

So long you have a sensor to read the angle of the steering wheel, you can use the bicycle kinematic model to compute odometry for an Ackermann drive platform, e.g. a car: $$ \begin{align} \\ \dot{x}...
xperroni's user avatar
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Software for mission planning in multi-robot systems

First, it's important to note that depending on your problem specifications, we may not know of any good algorithms to solve it - this is especially true when you start to add in more problem ...
combo's user avatar
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Potential field algorithm in a predefined trajectory

This is not any more a pure potential field type of problem, since you already have a global trjectory which you then alter locally. This is a hybrid approach. A good example for a hybrid approach ...
50k4's user avatar
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How to move robotic arm in straight line

First of all you should start to check 2 things: the angle $\alpha$ is given by some sensor the object and the path to the object (blue dotted line) both lie in the arm workspace If 1. is not met, I ...
N. Bamberg's user avatar
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Are there any open-source congnative planing frameworks for robotics?

KnowRob is a knowledge processing system that combines knowledge representation and reasoning methods with techniques for acquiring knowledge and for grounding the knowledge in a physical system and ...
50k4's user avatar
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