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What Robotics competitions exists for middle and high school level?

I am running a robotics club and we used to compete in the first lego league (fll). We are looking for a competition for high school kids and an alternative for fll for the middle school age group. I ...
Peter Schuetze's user avatar
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Converting vector to orientation in sensor_msgs/Imu

I'm using the Lego Control+ Technic Hub as an IMU using the node-poweredup library. I am getting the imu data from the hub into ROS just fine but I am having trouble knowing how to correctly publish ...
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Navigation with real robot

Hi, I am trying to move from stage simulation to real robot. In simulation all things were working quite good, but when I replaced stage_ros node with the robot package, it failed. I want to use Lego ...
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Does ROS support Lego EV3 now?

I installed ROS diamondback version on ubuntu 10.04 for Lego nxt. But when I run the sample test program "rosrun nxt_python " I got the same output as the webpage shows: ...
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Is there a newer nxt_ros stack using nxt-python 2.2.2 instead of 1.2.0? (on Raspberry Pi)

I have a Raspberry Pi running ROS Groovy on a Lego NXT with a Webcam and Wifi. Youtube: Pictures and complete Visualization. The nxt_ros package is using the old nxt-python 1.2.0 and the performance ...
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Lego NXT-ROS working on Groovy Galapagos?

Hi, I'm just wondering does anyone know if the NXT-ROS package is compatible with the Groovy Galapagos release? There doesn't seem to be any documentation except the wiki and that recommends using the ...
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Groovy, Lego EV3

to Willow Garage/ ROS I would like to know if Groovy will support lego NXT and I hope in the future Lego EV3, also is supported, as those are a very good initial environment to learn ROS as such they ...
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Lego NXT / Groovy Support

I want to learn ROS. I have Lego NXT, so I figure this is a good place to start. The NXT page recommends an older version of ROS (diamondback), but I have install issues on OS X Mountain Lion. Is ...
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Problem with NXT tutorial

Hi, I'm trying to follow this tutorial but when I launch the program I get this warning: ...
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Run ROS on an Android Smartphone?

Hi, is it possible to run the whole ROS infrastructure on a (modern) android smartphone? Searching the web just yielded tons of pages about android talking to a ROS host.. I've got some LEGO ...
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Moving Lego NXT's motor

I've been playing with ROS+Lego NXT and after successfully playing with the sensors I got stuck trying to move one motor. The only parameter I found on nxt_msgs related to that is JointCommand, but ...
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how can i use roborealm software (vision for machines) in ros?

Dear sirs, Hello. I want to know how can i use roborealm software for my Lego nxt in Ros ?? I have created my robot model in Lego digital designer and i want to convert it into robot models compatible ...
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lego digital designer automatically convert in gazebo

Dear sirs, Hello, could you please help me and tell how can I convert a Lego NXT model that i created in Lego digital designer to gazebo for simulation ?? I really need to know how can I convert my ...
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Is there already a Lego Mindstorms NXT simulation in Gazebo?

The NXT wiki page says: "... and in the future we hope to add simulation capabilities in gazebo, our 3D simulator." Did anybody already do any work in that direction? What would still have ...
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Trouble following Lego NXT tutorials

I've been trying to get ROS-NXT to work with my Lego NXT. In the past, I've successfuly been able to write programs in NXT-Python in order to control the robot. However, this is my first experience ...
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ROS + Lego NXT + Kinect?

Here's a question I received recently, thought it would be good to put up here: My project group is going to try programming a Lego Mindstorm NXT robot and the Kinect. We are currently still trying ...
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