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Costmap boundaries

Is there a way I can manipulate a costmap so that the outermost cells of the inflated obstacles in the x axis are counted as the map borders. I think I can write a script that does that using Python ...
sivhaslee's user avatar
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Nav2 and Robot_localization: /map Topic Is Not Getting Published

I tried to create a navigation algorithm using nav2 and GPS data for the global odometry. With the help of the robot_localization package, I successfully created global odometry data by fusing the ...
Arad's user avatar
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Nav Stack: one map for AMCL and one for move_base?

I need to run AMCL and Movebase from two different maps as there are many locations in an outdoor map that the robot would get stuck in gravel, rocks, bushes, etc that are below the level of the laser ...
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Best way to send a goal with move_base that is off the global costmap?

Hi Guys, Using Hydro's navigation stack and move_base, I am trying to send a goal/waypoint to the robot that is at least 1000 meters away from the robots current position, if not more. The local ...
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