Hi Thiago, I had this issue in my simulations too.... there is a "trick" here to put the vehicle moving. In Autoware_AI runtime_manager in the mission_planning* tab you must add the following launch file: "my_mission_planning.launch":
<arg name="map_source" default="0" /> <!-- Autoware=0, Vector Map Folder=1, kml file=2 -->
<!-- dp_planner -->
<include file="$(find dp_planner)/launch/dp_planner.launch">
<arg name="mapSource" value="$(arg map_source)"/>
For some reason, the Open Planner needs to be fed with the dp_planner in order to work. I guess It feeds the local planner in order to create the rollout local planners trajectory.
Regarding your second issue: The vehicle remains stopped
The trick is to add a ROS node from pure pursuit, just launch the Pure Pursuit and and Twist Filter launch files are not enough...
Therefore in the motion_planning Tab, the launch file "my_motion_planning.launch" must contain these launch files and the pure_pursuit ROS node block (under "--rosrun waypoint_follower pure_pursuit--" ):
<!-- Vehicle Contorl -->
<include file="$(find runtime_manager)/launch_files/vehicle_socket.launch"/>
<!-- pure_pursuit -->
<!-- Copied $(find pure_pursuit)/launch/pure_pursuit.launch to use respawn attribute. -->
<arg name="is_linear_interpolation" default="True"/>
<arg name="publishes_for_steering_robot" default="False"/>
<arg name="add_virtual_end_waypoints" default="False"/>
<arg name="const_lookahead_distance" default="4.0"/>
<arg name="const_velocity" default="5.0"/>
<arg name="lookahead_ratio" default="2.0"/>
<arg name="minimum_lookahead_distance" default="6.0"/>
<!-- 0 = waypoints, 1 = provided constant velocity -->
<arg name="velocity_source" default="0"/>
<!-- rosrun waypoint_follower pure_pursuit -->
<node pkg="pure_pursuit" type="pure_pursuit" name="pure_pursuit" output="log" respawn="true" respawn_delay="10">
<param name="is_linear_interpolation" value="$(arg is_linear_interpolation)"/>
<param name="publishes_for_steering_robot" value="$(arg publishes_for_steering_robot)"/>
<param name="add_virtual_end_waypoints" value="$(arg add_virtual_end_waypoints)"/>
<param name="const_lookahead_distance" value="$(arg const_lookahead_distance)"/>
<param name="const_velocity" value="$(arg const_velocity)"/>
<param name="lookahead_ratio" value="$(arg lookahead_ratio)"/>
<param name="minimum_lookahead_distance" value="$(arg minimum_lookahead_distance)"/>
<param name="velocity_source" value="$(arg velocity_source)"/>
<!-- twist_filter -->
<include file="$(find twist_filter)/launch/twist_filter.launch"/>
I believe now OpenPlanner must work, at least worked for me, but I used LGSVL simulator, instead CARLA.
Originally posted by Vini71 with karma: 266 on 2022-01-19
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Post score: 1