I just installed Ubuntu 18.04, and with it ROS Melodic Morenia on my workstation. I have a Raspberry Pi based bobot running Lubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic Kame. Will these machines be able to communicate, or will I have to try and upgrade the Pi to 18.04 with Melodic too ?
I have already tried to make this work. The workstation sees topics being published on the Pi. However I see a raspicam_node on the Pi publishing at 10 hz on the Pi. When I check the rate of raspicam_node, on the workstation, rostopic says that no messages have been published. I need to determine if this is because the versions of ROS are incompatible, or if I am doing something else wrong.
Originally posted by elpidiovaldez on ROS Answers with karma: 142 on 2018-10-14
Post score: 0