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I want to use ROS Kinetic on a network with my PC and Raspberry PI. And to do so, I want to isntall ubuntu mate on my pi. But on the official website, they have removed the link to download ubuntu mate 16.04. I tried installing melodic with mate 18.04, but have problems with rosserial on arduino. I get an error saying version mismatch as melodic has Rev 1 whereas kinetic has Rev0.

Can anyone provide me a link to the OS image? Thanks

Originally posted by parzival on ROS Answers with karma: 463 on 2019-08-11

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by parzival on 2019-12-29:
Please note that the error wasn't due to 18.04, it was because of low time delay in loop() of arduino code.


1 Answer 1


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This website has the 16.04 image you are looking for.

You can find torrent files for older Ubuntu Mate releases here. They are at the bottom of the post titled Old Raspberry Pi releases.

I would suggest the ones in the second link, but you can also use the first link too if you don't want to use a torrent.

Originally posted by zmk5 with karma: 71 on 2019-08-11

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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