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I currently have a rosbag with a /tf topic containing only static transforms. Is there a way I can alter one of the transforms?

I have tried creating a new filtered rosbag not containing the /tf and generating the /tf from a launch file. But I get issues when trying to display the pointclouds in rviz.

I get the error : "Message removed because it is too old" when trying to display PointCloud2 topics.

Originally posted by RachitB11 on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2017-07-10

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Hi There,

Set the param use_sim_time true before you start both rviz and rosbag and play your rosbag File using

rosbag play --clock <yourfile.bag>

This will cause your BAG to publish Sim time and rviz to believe it was lauched at the time the BAG was Recorder.

Originally posted by Wolf with karma: 7555 on 2017-07-11

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by RachitB11 on 2017-07-11:
That works perfectly. Thanks.


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