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Every problems before fixed:

EDIT 6: Hi friends!! I have just fixed every problems with your help. So now my robot moves with StartMapping and with StartExplorer, but not really well...

I think that it do good StartMapping but when I do StartExplorer, my robot explores just a few second and it gets stuck in a wall. I think that this problem is for some .yaml parameters.

But I modify a lot of parameters to check if it does a good navigatiion and alwais it gets stuck. Which parameters have I to modify or what I can do???

Thanka lot!

Originally posted by Alvaro Salcedo on ROS Answers with karma: 149 on 2016-06-01

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by IvanV on 2016-06-01:
You are asking very basic questions. You should start by reading and understanding tutorials about topics and launch files. After that, try again by yourself (and probably you will be successful). If even then is not working, came back with a more specific question/problem.


1 Answer 1


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The topic "cmd_vel" should be connected to you robot driver for motion commands and "scan" to your laser sensor driver for scan data samples. In the latest release, the parameters for the services are no longer needed, so you can just use them like: "rosservice call /StartExploration".

Originally posted by Sebastian Kasperski with karma: 1658 on 2016-06-01

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by Alvaro Salcedo on 2016-06-01:
@Sebastian Kasperski thanks a lot for answering. I have just edited first post with the current error.!

Comment by Icehawk101 on 2016-06-01:
For the second part you need to make a tf tree. Take a look at this tutorial

Comment by Alvaro Salcedo on 2016-06-01:
@Icehawk101 I have just fixed that error. Now the error is the next when I call rosservice StartExploration:

[ERROR] Exploration failed, could not get current position.

Comment by Icehawk101 on 2016-06-01:
You should make a second edit to your question with the new information.

Comment by Alvaro Salcedo on 2016-06-01:
@Icehawk101 Done!!

Comment by Sebastian Kasperski on 2016-06-02:
In your launch file are 2 different mapping nodes and 2 different navigation nodes, this will not work.

Comment by Alvaro Salcedo on 2016-06-02:
I have just editted post! @Sebastian Kasperski

Comment by Sebastian Kasperski on 2016-06-02:
You also don't need amcl when using slam. Please check the nav2d tutorials. Does your robot move when you send something to cmd_vel? And check with rostopic echo if something is even send on this topic. With just "The robot doesn't move", nobody can help you.

Comment by Alvaro Salcedo on 2016-06-02:
@Sebastian Kasperski I have just eddited with more information!! thanks!!

Comment by Alvaro Salcedo on 2016-06-02:
@Sebastian Kasperski It gives me this error as well: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 672 range readings, expected 673

Comment by Sebastian Kasperski on 2016-06-02:
Your laser scans contain angle_min, angle_max and angle_increment, which should match the supplied number of readings. [num_readings = ((angle_max - angle_min) / angle_increment) + 1] Maybe your laser driver sets these values incorrectly.

Comment by Icehawk101 on 2016-06-02:
It looks like the array holding the range data has a spot with a NULL value for some reason. What driver are you using for the laser?

Comment by Alvaro Salcedo on 2016-06-03:
@Sebastian Kasperski @Icehawk101 Hello my friends. I have just edited the post!!! Thanks again,


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