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When I attempt to install a module I just built into ROS, it fails to 'find' a required package because of an error in the associated check_deps.py file. The dependency it is trying to find is package genmsg, which is in fact installed (I even reinstalled, just in case). The Python file genmsg_check_deps.py is producing a Python error very early, during start-up, at the line: from genmsg import EXT_MSG, EXT_SRV, MsgContext claiming that there is no module named genmsg.

But of course this Python file itself is in lib/genmsg

We are using ROS Jade

Originally posted by sarima on ROS Answers with karma: 16 on 2016-03-07

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by jackie on 2016-03-07:
Did you include genmsg in your package.xml as a build_depend?


1 Answer 1


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Turns out to have been operator error. I was using sudo to do the install, which clears the environment variables setup by setup.bash.

Originally posted by sarima with karma: 16 on 2016-03-08

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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