I have written code that I have run on MobileSim simulator for the Pioneer3dx model, and it runs on the actual robot, which used RosAria. Now I am trying to use the Gazebo simulator, since I need to use the physics engine, but I am getting really confused. I have looked online and gone through the Gazebo ROS tutorials but I still am not quite clear on what I need to do. Can I use ROS Aria in Gazebo? If so, how? If not, is there anything special I need for gazebo? How will I convert the code I had written for the robot using ROS Aria to the format Gazebo needs (because my code subscribes to topics such as /RosAria/pose and /RosAria/sonar, which will not not exist when ROS Aria is not running)? I am sorry for the million questions!
Originally posted by thumper on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2015-08-13
Post score: 0