Hi! I'm not very familiar with Orocos, but are you sure that you are using ROSARIA to connect to the robot? USB to serial is the default in ROSARIA (/dev/ttyUSB0) and you can change it using port parameter, e.g. rosrun ROSARIA RosAria _port:=/dev/ttyUSB1
in case you have something else on /dev/ttyUSB0
If you are using Aria library directly (from Aria metapackage), take a look at RosAriaNode::Setup() method:
ArArgumentBuilder *args;
args = new ArArgumentBuilder();
args->add("-rp"); //pass robot's serial port to Aria
// left out irrelevant code
conn = new ArSimpleConnector(args);
// left out irrelevant code
// Connect to the robot
if (!conn->connectRobot(robot)) {
ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "rotate: Could not connect to robot! Exiting.");
return 1;
Originally posted by JKS with karma: 306 on 2012-01-19
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by LucaGhera on 2012-01-19:
@JKS Thank! Yes, actually I think I'm using Aria and not ROSARIA. Is there a tutorial for ROSARIA? Btw, I tried to apply you code and it works!!! Thanks!!
Comment by Eisenhorn on 2012-10-19:
Can you setup ROSARIA to use a TCP instead of a serial connection? If so how? In the source code I noticed that the arguments -rh (remotehost) and -rrtp (remote port) are passed. But if Iuse RosAria -rh IP -rrtp PORT it still tries the serial connection.