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Hi everyone. I'm trying to set the depth video mode on an ASUS xTion Pro Live. As suggested in the code API, I'm setting the video mode this way:

depthMode_ = depthStream_.getSensorInfo().getSupportedVideoModes()[4];
  ROS_INFO("The wished depth mode is %d x %d at %d FPS. Pixel format %d", depthMode_.getResolutionX(),
           depthMode_.getResolutionY(), depthMode_.getFps(), depthMode_.getPixelFormat());
  if (depthStream_.setVideoMode(depthMode_) != openni::STATUS_OK)
    ROS_ERROR("Can't apply depth-videomode");
    depthMode_ = depthStream_.getVideoMode();
    ROS_INFO("The depth mode is set to %d x %d at %d FPS. Pixel format %d", depthMode_.getResolutionX(),
             depthMode_.getResolutionY(), depthMode_.getFps(), depthMode_.getPixelFormat());

unfortunately, even if the mode (RES=640x420, FPS=30 PF=100) is supported, this operation fails.

The full node can be found here

Did anyone manage to set the resolution for the depth mode?

Originally posted by Chaos on ROS Answers with karma: 396 on 2015-07-02

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I solved! I moved the skeleton tracker initializer:

niteRc_ = userTracker_.create();
if (niteRc_ != nite::STATUS_OK)
  ROS_FATAL("Couldn't create user tracker");

after setting the RGB and the DEPTH modes. If you are interested, the code is available here. The node is an extension for the openni2_tracker. The node tracks the skeleton and publishes rgb stream, depth stream and point cloud. Furthermore the node publishes a topic with the IDs of the tracked users.

Originally posted by Chaos with karma: 396 on 2015-07-02

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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