
What does this sentence mean :

"The chassis maintains the average pitch angle of both rockers."

Put in other words, " the pitching angle of the chassis is the average of the pitch angles of the two rocker arms"

What is a pitching angle in this context? Please explain both pitching angles.


1 Answer 1


The "pitch angle" or "pitching angle" refers to whether the chassis is level. An angle of 0 degrees would be perfectly flat, 90 degrees would be perfectly vertical. So if the vehicle's left side went up a 30 degree incline while the right side stayed flat, the chassis should tilt up 15 degrees.

To achieve this, the two sides of the rocker-bogie suspension are connected by a simple differential.

rocker bogie suspension
(source: alicesastroinfo.com)

(source: alicesastroinfo.com)

See also this answer which includes an image of the differential bar on the curiosity rover.

  • $\begingroup$ One can clearly see that this is not on mars from the angles of the shadows. Totally fake. ;-) $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 5, 2015 at 18:49

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