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Hi, everyone.

I'd like to install pcl stand-alone.
Could you tell me how to do it ?

Since I've installed ros hydro through "desktop-full",
pcl(perception_pcl) has also being installed.
So I can see libpcl** under /usr/lib.

However, pcl/gpu is not found and I cannot try kinfu.
I gues that pcl installed with ros has a small part of full-pcl.
Then I'd like to install pcl stand-alone.

I'm afraid that I will have confliction between pcl installed stand-alone and pcl installed with ros.
How can I install pcl stand-alone ?

Thanks in advance.

Originally posted by moyashi on ROS Answers with karma: 721 on 2014-04-24

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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If you want to use KinFu with ROS see my answer in http://answers.ros.org/question/142461/pcl-kinfu-in-ros-hydro/

If you want to try KinFu in a PCL stand-alone version just clone the PCL repository, set DBUILD_GPU=ON and "make" it. There is no reason for "make install".

Originally posted by MichaelKorn with karma: 1480 on 2014-04-24

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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