Having trouble getting python to accept a custom message. I have performed, what I believe to be, the necessary steps to package.xml
and CMakelists.txt
. I feel that I perform the task as outlined in the tutorials: catkin_make
I am able to find my custom message:
$rosmsg package ssimsim
when attempting to invoke this custom message type, i am met with:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/traxx/catkin_ws/src/ssimsim/scripts/nmeaparser.py", line 7, in <module>
from ssimsim.msg import parsedDiagMsg
ImportError: No module named msg
I am calling it as follows:
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('ssimsim')
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String
from ssimsim.msg import parsedDiagMsg
I have tried several permutations of the from/import, based off various ROS help topics with little success. The .msg throwing the error I am finding more than odd.
help greatly appreciated
Originally posted by arlenn on ROS Answers with karma: 71 on 2013-11-28
Post score: 7
Original comments
Comment by felix k on 2013-11-29:
Does the output from catkin_make show that the messages from your package are built successfully?
Comment by Dirk Thomas on 2013-12-30:
With catkin you should remove the "roslib.load_manifest" line since it is not necessary anymore.