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Hi !

I am currently using ROS Groovy and I recently decided to move from openNI 1.5 to openNI 2.

I tried openni2_tracker and managed to make it work, but I have two problems :

  • The node needs to find data file ./Nite2/s.dat, so it's not working if you don't run it from a specific directory. Which means you can not put it in a launch file you want to run from anywhere on your system. Is it a normal thing ?

  • It's not possible to launch the script openni2.launch (with all sensor driver) and openni2_tracker at the same time. It's a problem for me because I would like to run other nodes using the camera data at the same time than openni2_tracker.

Does someone have some information ?



Originally posted by CarolineQ on ROS Answers with karma: 395 on 2013-10-09

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by sparksmith on 2014-03-06:
hello, sorry for bothering you but how did you run openni2_tracker - because i have a build issue with orocos_kdl ?

Comment by rastaxe on 2014-09-18:
I have the same problem with ROS Hydro. It is not possible to use openni2.launch togheter with openni2_tracker

Comment by manideep on 2016-06-08:
i am using kinect with windows 10, facing same problem.Please can any one solve this error.Thanks in advance


1 Answer 1


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Go into the folder where Nite2/s.dat. In my case I installed nite2 in my home directory, so I ran openni2_tracker node from inside this path:


Therefore, s.dat is locate here "~/NiTE-2.0.0/Redist/NiTE2/s.dat" Openni2_tracker will work in that way. It's kinda lame, though. There's gotta be a better way to have the ros node understand the path. The path is allegedly provided through the CMakelist of the openni2_tracker package, but that does not seem to fully work. You must figure how to provide the path in correctly in your CMakeList file.

Originally posted by Pototo with karma: 803 on 2016-07-07

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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