I am trying to understand different options to use multi threading with ROS. I found different things :
- Use MT nodelet interface (with getMTNodeHandle())
- Use MultiThreadedSpinner or AsyncSpinner
- Use boost::thread
I have few questions about that.
- In a general case, what is the difference between using MT nodelet interface and MultiThreadedSpinner ? because both distribute the callbacks in different threads.
- What are the advantages of using MT nodelet interface ?
- Would you choose between each of these methods according to each case or can we combine boost::thread and MT nodelet interface for example ?
- Is there some explanations about effects (in performance for example) of all these methods ?
- Is it better to use pThread or Boost.Thread ?
Thanks for help, hope someone will be able to help me clarify that.
Originally posted by CarolineQ on ROS Answers with karma: 395 on 2013-06-05
Post score: 4