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Does anyone know how to automatically make the robot to execute ros in its system? I have managed to install ros into my Nao Robot but I have no idea how to execute " move head code ". I need to setup the environment whenever want to run ros environment.Do I have to set up the environment all the time? any way to automate?

Running on Nao's AMD Geode platform and CTC Naoqi , Fuerte

Looking forward any idea. Thanks

Originally posted by ryann2k1 on ROS Answers with karma: 128 on 2013-08-04

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Well, if you have managed to cross-compile ROS for the NAO, the next part is going to be easy :) Download nao_robot from here and install it in your robot, you will also need this package. For more detailed instructions check the ROS wiki out.

Once that's installed you can control the head by publishing nao_msgs/JointAnglesWithSpeed messages to the joint_angles topic. But there are many, many more things you can do; I'd recommend you read the documentation carefully.

Here's a quick example that you can run from the terminal (of course you can also use proper ROS messages)

$> rosrun nao_driver nao_controller.py
$> rostopic pub /joint_angles nao_msgs/JointAnglesWithSpeed -- '[ 1, now, Head]' '[HeadYaw,HeadPitch]' '[1,-1]'  1.0  0

The second command was taken from this question.

Ask if you need more help!

Originally posted by Miguel S. with karma: 1114 on 2013-08-05

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by ryann2k1 on 2013-08-10:
I will do that. Thanks a lot


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