I would like to have a better understanding of work in the field of "Navigation Among Movable Obstacles". I started off with Michael Stilman's thesis under James Kuffner, but that has not yet sated my appetite.
I am currently trying to simulate a scenario where debris (Tables and Table parts) from a disaster scenario block pathways. The debris forms part of a movable obstacle. The robot which will be used is a bipedal humanoid.
The thesis describes an approach to define the search space of possible actions leading from the start point to the goal. However, it assumes a mobile robot which works via gliding.
I think the state space definitions would change for a bi-pedal robot. Why is why I wonder what other work is being done in this field. Perhaps the work of other research groups could give me clues as to how to design and perhaps reduce the search space for a bipedal humanoid robot.
An implementation of Navigation among Movable Obstacles would also aid me in understanding how to reduce the search space of possible actions.
So does anyone know of a working implementation of Navigation among movable obstacles?
Any supporting information about other professors or research groups working on similar problems would also be very useful.
I hope this edit is sufficient for the problem description.